Artists & Brands
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Aara
- Abbath
- Abigail
- Abigor
- Abnormality
- Abominor
- Aborted
- Aborym
- Abramelin
- Absu
- Abysmal Dawn
- Abyssic Hate
- Accept
- Acephalix
- Acid Bath
- Acid King
- Acid Witch
- Acheron
- Acherontas
- A Clockwork Orange
- Acrimonious
- Adorior
- Advent Sorrow
- Adversary Studios
- Adzalaan
- Aegrus
- Ænigmatum
- Aenimus
- Aeon
- Aerosmith
- Aeternus
- Aethyrick
- Ævangelist
- Afgrund
- Against Me!
- Agalloch
- Agathocles
- Agatus
- Agent Steel
- Aglo
- Agnostic Front
- Agoraphobic Nosebleed
- Agressor
- Agrimonia
- Airbourne
- Akatechism
- Akercocke
- Akhlys
- Alazka
- Alcest
- Alchemist
- Alestorm
- Alexander Hacke
- Alice Cooper
- Alice In Chains
- Alkaloid
- Allegaeon
- Allegiance
- All Out War
- All Pigs Must Die
- All Shall Perish
- Alluvial
- Alpha Wolf
- Altarage
- Altar Of Perversion
- Amaranthe
- Amenra
- American Nightmare
- Amon
- Amon Amarth
- Amorphis
- Anaal Nathrakh
- Anarkhon
- An Autumn For Crippled Children
- Ancient
- Ancient Rites
- ...And Oceans
- Angelcorpse
- Angelus Apatrida
- Angel Witch
- Animals As Leaders
- Anna Von Hausswolff
- Annihilator
- Annotations of an Autopsy
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Anoxia
- Antaeus
- Antediluvian
- Anthrax
- Antiversum
- Aoratos
- Aosoth
- A Perfect Circle
- Apocalypse Command
- Apokalyptic Raids
- Apologoethia
- Apostate Viaticum
- Arcadea
- Arch Enemy
- Archgoat
- Architects
- Architects of Evolution
- Archspire
- Arckanum
- Arcturus
- Arkona
- Armagedda
- Armored Saint
- Armoured Angel
- Artificial Brain
- Artillery
- Arsis
- Ascended Dead
- Ascension
- Ascension Of The Watchers
- Asesino
- Ashbringer
- As I Lay Dying
- Asinhell
- Asphyx
- A Storm Of Light
- Atomizer
- Atræ Bilis
- Atramentum
- Atramentus
- At The Gates
- Attila
- Auðn
- Augury
- Aura Noir
- Auri
- Austere
- Austrian Death Machine
- Author & Punisher
- Autopsy
- Avantasia
- Avatarium
- Avenged Sevenfold
- Averse Sefira
- Aversions Crown
- Axis of Despair
- Azarath
- Azazel
- Aara
- Abbath
- Abigail
- Abigor
- Abnormality
- Abominor
- Aborted
- Aborym
- Abramelin
- Absu
- Abysmal Dawn
- Abyssic Hate
- Accept
- Acephalix
- Acid Bath
- Acid King
- Acid Witch
- Acheron
- Acherontas
- A Clockwork Orange
- Acrimonious
- Adorior
- Advent Sorrow
- Adversary Studios
- Adzalaan
- Aegrus
- Ænigmatum
- Aenimus
- Aeon
- Aerosmith
- Aeternus
- Aethyrick
- Ævangelist
- Afgrund
- Against Me!
- Agalloch
- Agathocles
- Agatus
- Agent Steel
- Aglo
- Agnostic Front
- Agoraphobic Nosebleed
- Agressor
- Agrimonia
- Airbourne
- Akatechism
- Akercocke
- Akhlys
- Alazka
- Alcest
- Alchemist
- Alestorm
- Alexander Hacke
- Alice Cooper
- Alice In Chains
- Alkaloid
- Allegaeon
- Allegiance
- All Out War
- All Pigs Must Die
- All Shall Perish
- Alluvial
- Alpha Wolf
- Altarage
- Altar Of Perversion
- Amaranthe
- Amenra
- American Nightmare
- Amon
- Amon Amarth
- Amorphis
- Anaal Nathrakh
- Anarkhon
- An Autumn For Crippled Children
- Ancient
- Ancient Rites
- ...And Oceans
- Angelcorpse
- Angelus Apatrida
- Angel Witch
- Animals As Leaders
- Anna Von Hausswolff
- Annihilator
- Annotations of an Autopsy
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Anoxia
- Antaeus
- Antediluvian
- Anthrax
- Antiversum
- Aoratos
- Aosoth
- A Perfect Circle
- Apocalypse Command
- Apokalyptic Raids
- Apologoethia
- Apostate Viaticum
- Arcadea
- Arch Enemy
- Archgoat
- Architects
- Architects of Evolution
- Archspire
- Arckanum
- Arcturus
- Arkona
- Armagedda
- Armored Saint
- Armoured Angel
- Artificial Brain
- Artillery
- Arsis
- Ascended Dead
- Ascension
- Ascension Of The Watchers
- Asesino
- Ashbringer
- As I Lay Dying
- Asinhell
- Asphyx
- A Storm Of Light
- Atomizer
- Atræ Bilis
- Atramentum
- Atramentus
- At The Gates
- Attila
- Auðn
- Augury
- Aura Noir
- Auri
- Austere
- Austrian Death Machine
- Author & Punisher
- Autopsy
- Avantasia
- Avatarium
- Avenged Sevenfold
- Averse Sefira
- Aversions Crown
- Axis of Despair
- Azarath
- Azazel
- Babymetal
- Bad Brains
- Baest
- Bag Ov Bones
- Bal-Sagoth
- Baneful Storm
- Baptists
- Barathrum
- Bardo Methodology
- Baroness
- Barshasketh
- Bastard Noise
- Bathory
- Battle Beast
- Battlecross
- Batushka
- Beartooth
- Beastiality
- Bedemon
- Beheaded
- Behemoth
- Beherit
- Behexen
- Be'lakor
- Belial
- Bell Witch
- Belphegor
- Belzebong
- Belzebubs
- Beneath the Massacre
- Benediction
- Benighted
- Benümb
- Bestia Arcana
- Bestial Mockery
- Bestial Warlust
- Bethlehem
- Between The Buried And Me
- Bewitched
- Bewitcher
- Beyond Creation
- Bhleg
- Big Brave
- Bile
- Biohazard
- Birdflesh
- Birds in Row
- Birds of Prey
- Bitter End
- Black Anvil
- Black Breath
- Black Crown Initiate
- Black Death
- Black Flag
- Black Funeral
- Black Label Society
- Black Lava
- Blacklisted
- Black Sabbath
- Black Tusk
- Black Witchery
- Blasphemy
- Bl'ast!
- Blaze of Perdition
- Bleakwood
- Bleeding Through
- Bleed The Sky
- Blind Guardian
- Blondie
- Bloodbath
- Blood Duster
- Blood Incantation
- Bloodline
- Blood of Kingu
- Blood Red Throne
- Blood Revolt
- Blues Pills
- Blut Aus Nord
- Body Count
- Body Prison
- Body Void
- Bolt Thrower
- Bølzer
- Bones
- Bongzilla
- Bon Jovi
- Bon Scott
- Boris
- Borknagar
- Bottoms Up
- Brainoil
- Brand of Sacrifice
- Bring Me The Horizon
- Brodequin
- Broken Hope
- Bròn
- Brujeria
- Brutal Truth
- Bulldozer
- Bullet For My Valentine
- Bump In Sauce Co.
- Burning Witches
- Burnt By The Sun
- Burn The Hostages
- Burzum
- Butcher ABC
- Butterfly
- Bythos
- Byzantine
- Babymetal
- Bad Brains
- Baest
- Bag Ov Bones
- Bal-Sagoth
- Baneful Storm
- Baptists
- Barathrum
- Bardo Methodology
- Baroness
- Barshasketh
- Bastard Noise
- Bathory
- Battle Beast
- Battlecross
- Batushka
- Beartooth
- Beastiality
- Bedemon
- Beheaded
- Behemoth
- Beherit
- Behexen
- Be'lakor
- Belial
- Bell Witch
- Belphegor
- Belzebong
- Belzebubs
- Beneath the Massacre
- Benediction
- Benighted
- Benümb
- Bestia Arcana
- Bestial Mockery
- Bestial Warlust
- Bethlehem
- Between The Buried And Me
- Bewitched
- Bewitcher
- Beyond Creation
- Bhleg
- Big Brave
- Bile
- Biohazard
- Birdflesh
- Birds in Row
- Birds of Prey
- Bitter End
- Black Anvil
- Black Breath
- Black Crown Initiate
- Black Death
- Black Flag
- Black Funeral
- Black Label Society
- Black Lava
- Blacklisted
- Black Sabbath
- Black Tusk
- Black Witchery
- Blasphemy
- Bl'ast!
- Blaze of Perdition
- Bleakwood
- Bleeding Through
- Bleed The Sky
- Blind Guardian
- Blondie
- Bloodbath
- Blood Duster
- Blood Incantation
- Bloodline
- Blood of Kingu
- Blood Red Throne
- Blood Revolt
- Blues Pills
- Blut Aus Nord
- Body Count
- Body Prison
- Body Void
- Bolt Thrower
- Bølzer
- Bones
- Bongzilla
- Bon Jovi
- Bon Scott
- Boris
- Borknagar
- Bottoms Up
- Brainoil
- Brand of Sacrifice
- Bring Me The Horizon
- Brodequin
- Broken Hope
- Bròn
- Brujeria
- Bulldozer
- Bullet For My Valentine
- Brutal Truth
- Bump In Sauce Co.
- Burning Witches
- Burnt By The Sun
- Burn The Hostages
- Burzum
- Butcher ABC
- Butterfly
- Bythos
- Byzantine
- Cadaver
- Cailleach Calling
- Caliban
- Caligula's Horse
- Callejon
- Calligram
- Cancer
- Candlemass
- Cannabis Corpse
- Cannibal Corpse
- Carach Angren
- Carcass
- Carnage
- Carnation
- Carnifex
- Carnivore
- Carpathian Forest
- Caspar Brötzmann Massaker
- Cast The Stone
- Catasexual Urge Motivation
- Cathedral
- Cattle Decapitation
- Cave In
- Celeste
- Celtic Frost
- Cemetery Urn
- Cenotaph
- Centinex
- Centuries
- Cephalic Carnage
- Cerebral Rot
- Ceremony
- Chaos Cascade
- Chaos Invocation
- Charred Walls Of The Damned
- Chastain
- Chelsea Wolfe
- Children of Bodom
- Christian Death
- Chrome Division
- Chthonic
- Church of Misery
- Circle Jerks
- Circles
- Cirith Ungol
- Cloak
- Clutch
- Coalesce
- Code
- Code Orange
- Coffins
- Cognitive
- Cognizance
- Cognizant
- Cold Prophet
- Columns
- Comeback Kid
- Combichrist
- Comrade Bunnyman
- Conan
- Confessor
- Conjurer
- Consummation
- Control Denied
- Converge
- Coroner
- Corpse Molestation
- Corrosion of Conformity
- Corrupted
- Coscradh
- Cough
- Count Raven
- Covenant
- Cradle of Filth
- Craft
- Cretin
- Crimfall
- Cripple Bastards
- Crippled Black Phoenix
- CrisisAct
- Cro-Mags
- Crowbar
- Crurifragium
- Crypt
- Cryptopsy
- Cryptosis
- Crystal Viper
- Cultes Des Ghoules
- Cult Leader
- Cult of Lilith
- Cult of Luna
- Cult of Occult
- Cult of the Night
- Cyhra
- Cynic
- Cypress Hill
- Cadaver
- Cailleach Calling
- Caliban
- Caligula's Horse
- Callejon
- Calligram
- Cancer
- Candlemass
- Cannabis Corpse
- Cannibal Corpse
- Carach Angren
- Carcass
- Carnage
- Carnation
- Carnifex
- Carnivore
- Carpathian Forest
- Caspar Brötzmann Massaker
- Cast The Stone
- Catasexual Urge Motivation
- Cathedral
- Cattle Decapitation
- Cave In
- Celeste
- Celtic Frost
- Cemetery Urn
- Cenotaph
- Centinex
- Centuries
- Cephalic Carnage
- Cerebral Rot
- Ceremony
- Chaos Cascade
- Chaos Invocation
- Charred Walls Of The Damned
- Chastain
- Chelsea Wolfe
- Children of Bodom
- Christian Death
- Chrome Division
- Chthonic
- Church of Misery
- Circle Jerks
- Circles
- Cirith Ungol
- Cloak
- Clutch
- Coalesce
- Code
- Code Orange
- Coffins
- Cognitive
- Cognizance
- Cognizant
- Cold Prophet
- Columns
- Comeback Kid
- Combichrist
- Comrade Bunnyman
- Conan
- Confessor
- Conjurer
- Consummation
- Control Denied
- Converge
- Coroner
- Corpse Molestation
- Corrosion of Conformity
- Corrupted
- Coscradh
- Cough
- Count Raven
- Covenant
- Cradle of Filth
- Craft
- Cretin
- Crimfall
- Cripple Bastards
- Crippled Black Phoenix
- CrisisAct
- Cro-Mags
- Crowbar
- Crurifragium
- Crypt
- Cryptopsy
- Cryptosis
- Crystal Viper
- Cultes Des Ghoules
- Cult Leader
- Cult of Lilith
- Cult of Luna
- Cult of Occult
- Cult of the Night
- Cyhra
- Cynic
- Cypress Hill
- Dååth
- Dagger Lust
- Dag Nasty
- Damaged
- Damnation's Hammer
- Dan Franklin
- Danko Jones
- Dan Terminus
- Danzig
- Darkane
- Dark Angel
- Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult
- Darkest Hour
- Dark Fortress
- Dark Funeral
- Dark Quarterer
- Darkthrone
- Dark Tranquillity
- David Bowie
- David Eugene Edwards
- Dawn of Azazel
- Dawn Ray'd
- Dead Congregation
- Dead End America
- Dead Infection
- Dead Kennedys
- Dead Lord
- Deafheaven
- De Arma
- Death
- Death Angel
- Deathcult
- Deathspell Omega
- Deathstars
- Death Strike
- Death Toll 80K
- Decapitated
- Deceased
- Decrepit Birth
- Deeds Of Flesh
- Deep Purple
- Defiled
- Def Leppard
- Defleshed
- Deftones
- Degial
- Deicide
- Deivos
- Demogorgon
- Demolition Hammer
- Demoncy
- Demonical
- Demonomancy
- Demons and Wizards
- Denial Of God
- Denouncement Pyre
- Départe
- Depression
- Derailment
- Deranged
- Derketa
- Der Weg Einer Freiheit
- Desecrator
- Desolation Angels
- Despised Icon
- Despise You
- Destroyer 666
- Destruction
- Deviant Process
- DevilDriver
- Devil Master
- Devilment
- Devil You Know
- Devin Townsend
- Devourment
- Diabolical Masquerade
- Diamond Head
- Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
- Dimebag Darrell
- Dimmu Borgir
- Dio
- Diocletian
- Direct Merch
- Direct Underground
- Discharge
- Disembowelment
- Disentomb
- Disfear
- Disgorge
- Disgust
- Disincarnate
- Dismember
- Disrupt
- Dissection
- Distant
- Disturbed
- Doctor Who
- Dødheimsgard
- Dødsengel
- Dödsrit
- Domination Campaign
- Domjord
- Don Broco
- Doom
- Doomed And Disgusting
- Doomriders
- Doro
- Dorthia Cottrell
- Down
- Downfall Of Gaia
- Down to Nothing
- Dragged Into Sunlight
- Dragonforce
- Drain
- Dråpsnatt
- Drastus
- Dr. Dre
- Dread Sovereign
- Dreamless Veil
- Dream Theater
- D.R.I.
- Dropdead
- Drudkh
- Dying Fetus
- Dystopia
- Dååth
- Dagger Lust
- Dag Nasty
- Damaged
- Damnation's Hammer
- Danko Jones
- Dan Franklin
- Dan Terminus
- Danzig
- Darkane
- Dark Angel
- Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult
- Darkest Hour
- Dark Fortress
- Dark Funeral
- Dark Quarterer
- Darkthrone
- Dark Tranquillity
- David Bowie
- David Eugene Edwards
- Dawn of Azazel
- Dawn Ray'd
- Dead Congregation
- Dead End America
- Dead Infection
- Dead Kennedys
- Dead Lord
- Deafheaven
- De Arma
- Death
- Death Angel
- Deathcult
- Deathspell Omega
- Deathstars
- Death Strike
- Death Toll 80K
- Decapitated
- Deceased
- Decrepit Birth
- Deeds Of Flesh
- Deep Purple
- Defiled
- Def Leppard
- Defleshed
- Deftones
- Degial
- Deicide
- Deivos
- Demogorgon
- Demolition Hammer
- Demoncy
- Demonical
- Demonomancy
- Demons and Wizards
- Denial Of God
- Denouncement Pyre
- Départe
- Depression
- Derailment
- Deranged
- Derketa
- Der Weg Einer Freiheit
- Desecrator
- Desolation Angels
- Despised Icon
- Despise You
- Destroyer 666
- Destruction
- Deviant Process
- DevilDriver
- Devil Master
- Devilment
- Devil You Know
- Devin Townsend
- Devourment
- Diabolical Masquerade
- Diamond Head
- Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
- Dimebag Darrell
- Dimmu Borgir
- Dio
- Diocletian
- Direct Merch
- Direct Underground
- Discharge
- Disembowelment
- Disentomb
- Disfear
- Disgorge
- Disgust
- Disincarnate
- Dismember
- Disrupt
- Dissection
- Distant
- Disturbed
- Doctor Who
- Dødheimsgard
- Dødsengel
- Dödsrit
- Domination Campaign
- Domjord
- Don Broco
- Doom
- Doomed And Disgusting
- Doomriders
- Doro
- Dorthia Cottrell
- Down
- Downfall Of Gaia
- Down to Nothing
- Dragged Into Sunlight
- Dragonforce
- Drain
- Dråpsnatt
- Drastus
- Dr. Dre
- Dread Sovereign
- Dreamless Veil
- Dream Theater
- D.R.I.
- Dropdead
- Drudkh
- Dying Fetus
- Dystopia
- Eagle Twin
- Earth
- Earth Crisis
- Earthless
- Earth Rot
- Edge of Sanity
- Edguy
- Egregore
- Ehlder
- Einherjer
- Elder
- Electric Funeral
- Electric Mary
- Electric Wizard
- Eliran Kantor
- Eluveitie
- Elvenking
- Embalm
- Emmure
- Emperor
- Encircling Sea
- Encoffination
- Endezzma
- End Reign
- Enemy Soil
- Enforced
- Enforcer
- Ensiferum
- Enslaved
- Ensnared
- Entheos
- Enthroned
- Entombed
- Entombed A.D.
- Entrails
- Entry
- Eos
- Epica
- Equilibrium
- Erebus Enthroned
- Eryn Non Dae
- Eskhaton
- Esoteric
- Eternal Champion
- Evergreen Terrace
- Evil Priest
- Excruciating Terror
- Exhorder
- Exhumed
- Exist
- Exit 13
- Exmortus
- Exodus
- Expulsion
- Extreme Noise Terror
- Eyehategod
- Eagle Twin
- Earth
- Earth Crisis
- Earthless
- Earth Rot
- Edge of Sanity
- Edguy
- Egregore
- Ehlder
- Einherjer
- Elder
- Electric Funeral
- Electric Mary
- Electric Wizard
- Eliran Kantor
- Eluveitie
- Elvenking
- Embalm
- Emmure
- Emperor
- Encircling Sea
- Encoffination
- Endezzma
- End Reign
- Enemy Soil
- Enforced
- Enforcer
- Ensiferum
- Enslaved
- Ensnared
- Entheos
- Enthroned
- Entombed
- Entombed A.D.
- Entrails
- Entry
- Eos
- Epica
- Equilibrium
- Erebus Enthroned
- Eryn Non Dae
- Eskhaton
- Esoteric
- Eternal Champion
- Evergreen Terrace
- Evil Priest
- Excruciating Terror
- Exhorder
- Exhumed
- Exist
- Exit 13
- Exmortus
- Exodus
- Expulsion
- Extreme Noise Terror
- Eyehategod
- Faith No More
- Falls of Rauros
- Fallujah
- Fange
- Farside
- Fates Warning
- Fear Factory
- Feastem
- Fetid
- Fides Inversa
- Final Light
- Finntroll
- Fires In The Distance
- Firespawn
- Firewind
- Fit For An Autopsy
- Five Finger Death Punch
- Flamekeeper
- Fleshgod Apocalypse
- Fleurety
- Flotsam And Jetsam
- Fluids
- Follow the Cipher
- Foo Fighters
- Forbidden
- Forced Order
- Forest Of Impaled
- Forgotten Tomb
- Forndom
- Four Stroke Baron
- Fozzy
- Frank Zappa
- Freedom Of Fear
- Friendship
- Frozen Soul
- Fudge Tunnel
- Fulci
- Full of Hell
- Funeral
- Funeral Mist
- Funeral Whore
- Funeral Winds
- Furze
- Futility
- Faith No More
- Falls of Rauros
- Fallujah
- Fange
- Farside
- Fates Warning
- Fear Factory
- Feastem
- Fetid
- Fides Inversa
- Final Light
- Finntroll
- Fires In The Distance
- Firespawn
- Firewind
- Fit For An Autopsy
- Five Finger Death Punch
- Flamekeeper
- Fleshgod Apocalypse
- Fleurety
- Flotsam And Jetsam
- Fluids
- Follow the Cipher
- Foo Fighters
- Forbidden
- Forced Order
- Forest Of Impaled
- Forgotten Tomb
- Forndom
- Four Stroke Baron
- Fozzy
- Frank Zappa
- Freedom Of Fear
- Friendship
- Frozen Soul
- Fudge Tunnel
- Fulci
- Full of Hell
- Funeral
- Funeral Mist
- Funeral Whore
- Funeral Winds
- Furze
- Futility
- Gaahls Wyrd
- Gaerea
- Gama Bomb
- Gatecreeper
- Gehenna
- Gehennah
- Geld
- General Surgery
- Generic
- Genesis
- Genghis Tron
- Genocide Pact
- Ghost
- Ghost Bath
- Ghost Brigade
- Ghøstkid
- Glorior Belli
- Gluecifer
- Goat Semen
- Goatsnake
- Goatwhore
- God Dethroned
- Godflesh
- Godkiller
- God Seed
- Gojira
- Good Tiger
- Gorefest
- Gorgon
- Gorgoroth
- Gorguts
- Gorilla Biscuits
- Gorod
- Gospel of the Horns
- GosT
- Grand Magus
- Grateful Dead
- Grave
- Grave Desecrator
- Grave Digger
- Grave Infestation
- Graveland
- Grave Miasma
- Grave Pleasures
- Gravesend
- Graveyard (Spain)
- Graveyard (Sweden)
- Green Carnation
- Green Day
- Greenleaf
- Grenadier
- Grift
- Grim Reaper
- Grim Van Doom
- Gronibard
- Grotesque
- Gruesome
- Guns N' Roses
- Gus G
- Gutter Prince Cabal
- Gwar
- Gaahls Wyrd
- Gaerea
- Gama Bomb
- Gatecreeper
- Gehenna
- Gehennah
- Geld
- General Surgery
- Generic
- Genesis
- Genghis Tron
- Genocide Pact
- Ghost
- Ghost Bath
- Ghost Brigade
- Ghøstkid
- Glorior Belli
- Gluecifer
- Goat Semen
- Goatsnake
- Goatwhore
- God Dethroned
- Godflesh
- Godkiller
- God Seed
- Gojira
- Good Tiger
- Gorefest
- Gorgon
- Gorgoroth
- Gorguts
- Gorilla Biscuits
- Gorod
- Gospel of the Horns
- GosT
- Grand Magus
- Grateful Dead
- Grave
- Grave Desecrator
- Grave Digger
- Grave Infestation
- Graveland
- Grave Miasma
- Grave Pleasures
- Gravesend
- Graveyard (Spain)
- Graveyard (Sweden)
- Green Carnation
- Green Day
- Grenadier
- Greenleaf
- Grift
- Grim Reaper
- Grim Van Doom
- Gronibard
- Grotesque
- Gruesome
- Guns N' Roses
- Gus G
- Gutter Prince Cabal
- Gwar
- Hadal Maw
- Hades
- Haemorrhage
- Hail of Bullets
- Hail Spirit Noir
- Haken
- Halcyon Way
- Halshug
- Hammerfall
- Hammers Of Misfortune
- Hangman's Chair
- Harakiri For The Sky
- Harlott
- Harm's Way
- Hate
- Hatebreed
- Hate Couture
- Hate Eternal
- Hate Forest
- Havohej
- Havok
- Hawkwind
- Head Of The Demon
- Heathen
- Heaven Shall Burn
- Heavy Music Artwork
- Hecate Enthroned
- Hecatomb
- Heilung
- Helheim
- Hell
- Hellhammer
- Helloween
- Hellripper
- Hellspawn
- Heresiarch
- Hessian A.D.
- Hexis
- Hexvessel
- Hideous Divinity
- Hierophant
- High On Fire
- High Tension
- Hirax
- Hissing
- Hjelvik
- Hoaxed
- Holy Grail
- Holy Terror
- Hooded Menace
- Hope Drone
- Horisont
- Horna
- Horndal
- Horns & Hooves
- Horrendous
- Horseback
- Horsehunter
- Høstsol
- Hour of 13
- Hour of Penance
- Hulder
- Human Agony
- Humanity Delete
- Human Remains
- Huntsmen
- Hybrid Nightmares
- Hypocrisy
- Hypoxia
- Hadal Maw
- Hades
- Haemorrhage
- Hail of Bullets
- Hail Spirit Noir
- Haken
- Halcyon Way
- Halshug
- Hammerfall
- Hammers Of Misfortune
- Hangman's Chair
- Harakiri For The Sky
- Harlott
- Harm's Way
- Hate
- Hatebreed
- Hate Couture
- Hate Eternal
- Hate Forest
- Havohej
- Havok
- Hawkwind
- Head Of The Demon
- Heathen
- Heaven Shall Burn
- Heavy Music Artwork
- Hecate Enthroned
- Hecatomb
- Heilung
- Helheim
- Hell
- Hellhammer
- Helloween
- Hellripper
- Hellspawn
- Heresiarch
- Hessian A.D.
- Hexis
- Hexvessel
- Hideous Divinity
- Hierophant
- High On Fire
- High Tension
- Hirax
- Hissing
- Hjelvik
- Hoaxed
- Holy Grail
- Holy Terror
- Hooded Menace
- Hope Drone
- Horisont
- Horna
- Horndal
- Horns & Hooves
- Horrendous
- Horseback
- Horsehunter
- Høstsol
- Hour of 13
- Hour of Penance
- Hulder
- Human Agony
- Humanity Delete
- Human Remains
- Huntsmen
- Hybrid Nightmares
- Hypocrisy
- Hypoxia
- Ibaraki
- Iceburn
- Iced Earth
- Idiot Beast
- I Exist
- Ignite
- Igorrr
- Ihsahn
- Ildjarn
- Ilsa
- Immolation
- Immortal
- Immortal Suffering
- Impaled Nazarene
- Imperial Triumphant
- Impetigo
- Impetuous Ritual
- Impiety
- Impure Wilhelmina
- In Aeternum
- Incantation
- Incinerated
- Indian
- Infant Annihilator
- Inferno
- Infernö
- In Flames
- Ingested
- Inhume
- In Mourning
- Inquisition
- Insect Warfare
- Insidious Disease
- In Solitude
- Insomnium
- Integrity
- Inter Arma
- Interloper
- Internal Rot
- Intronaut
- Inverloch
- Invocator
- Iron Maiden
- Iron Monkey
- Iron Reagan
- Isengard
- Iskald
- Ivar Bjørnson & Einar Selvik
- Ibaraki
- Iceburn
- Iced Earth
- Idiot Beast
- I Exist
- Ignite
- Igorrr
- Ihsahn
- Ildjarn
- Ilsa
- Immolation
- Immortal
- Immortal Suffering
- Impaled Nazarene
- Imperial Triumphant
- Impetigo
- Impetuous Ritual
- Impiety
- Impure Wilhelmina
- In Aeternum
- Incantation
- Incinerated
- Indian
- Infant Annihilator
- Inferno
- Infernö
- In Flames
- Ingested
- Inhume
- In Mourning
- Inquisition
- Insect Warfare
- Insidious Disease
- In Solitude
- Insomnium
- Integrity
- Inter Arma
- Interloper
- Internal Rot
- Intronaut
- Inverloch
- Invocator
- Iron Maiden
- Iron Monkey
- Iron Reagan
- Isengard
- Iskald
- Ivar Bjørnson & Einar Selvik
- Kadavar
- Kampfar
- Kapala
- Karma To Burn
- Karnivool
- Kataklysm
- Katatonia
- Katharsis
- Keep of Kalessin
- KEN Mode
- K.F.R.
- Khemmis
- Khold
- Kill
- Killer Be Killed
- Killing Joke
- Killswitch Engage
- King
- King Diamond
- King Dude
- King Parrot
- King's X
- King Witch
- King Woman
- Kiss
- Knocked Loose
- Kommand
- Kommandant
- Korn
- Korpiklaani
- Kraken Duumvirate
- Kreator
- Krieg
- Kriegsmaschine
- Krisiun
- Kvelertak
- Kylesa
- Kadavar
- Kampfar
- Kapala
- Karma To Burn
- Karnivool
- Kataklysm
- Katatonia
- Katharsis
- Keep of Kalessin
- KEN Mode
- K.F.R.
- Khemmis
- Khold
- Kill
- Killer Be Killed
- Killing Joke
- Killswitch Engage
- King
- King Diamond
- King Dude
- King Parrot
- King's X
- King Witch
- King Woman
- Kiss
- Knocked Loose
- Kommand
- Kommandant
- Korn
- Korpiklaani
- Kraken Duumvirate
- Kreator
- Krieg
- Kriegsmaschine
- Krisiun
- Kvelertak
- Kylesa
- Laceration
- Lacuna Coil
- Lamb Of God
- Last Days of Humanity
- Lawnmower Deth
- Leeched
- Lemmy
- Leng Tch'e
- Leprous
- Leviathan
- Lifelover
- Lifvsleda
- Light The Torch
- Lik
- Limbonic Art
- Lingua Ignota
- Linkin Park
- Lividity
- Lizzy Borden
- Lock Up
- Longing Maw
- Lönndom
- Lord Belial
- Lord Dying
- Lord Kaos
- Lord Mantis
- Lorna Shore
- Loudblast
- Lucifericon
- Lucifer's Child
- Lucifungus
- Lunar Chamber
- Lunar Mantra
- Lurker of Chalice
- Lustre
- Lvcifyre
- Lvme
- Lychgate
- Laceration
- Lacuna Coil
- Lamb Of God
- Last Days of Humanity
- Lawnmower Deth
- Leeched
- Lemmy
- Leng Tch'e
- Leprous
- Leviathan
- Lifelover
- Lifvsleda
- Light The Torch
- Lik
- Limbonic Art
- Lingua Ignota
- Linkin Park
- Lividity
- Lizzy Borden
- Lock Up
- Longing Maw
- Lönndom
- Lord Belial
- Lord Dying
- Lord Kaos
- Lord Mantis
- Lorna Shore
- Loudblast
- Lucifericon
- Lucifer's Child
- Lucifungus
- Lunar Chamber
- Lunar Mantra
- Lurker of Chalice
- Lustre
- Lvcifyre
- Lvme
- Lychgate
- Macabre
- Machetazo
- Machine Head
- Madball
- Make Them Suffer
- Malevolence
- Malevolent Creation
- Malicious
- Malokarpatan
- Malthusian
- Mammoth Mammoth
- Manes
- Manifesting
- Manowar
- Mantar
- Mantas
- Marduk
- Marilyn Manson
- Martire
- Mark Riddick
- Marty Friedman
- Martyrdöd
- Maruta
- Masacre
- Massacre
- Master
- Mastodon
- Maul
- Maxime Taccardi
- Mayhem
- Mayhemic Truth
- MC5
- Megadeth
- Mekong Delta
- Melechesh
- Melvins
- Memoriam
- Mental Cavity
- Merauder
- Merciless
- Mercyful Fate
- Merzbow
- Mesarthim
- Meshuggah
- Metallica
- Metalucifer
- Meth Leppard
- Mgła
- Micawber
- Michael Schenker Fest
- Midnight
- Millencolin
- Mindsnare
- Minenwerfer
- Ministry
- Minsk
- Misantropic
- Misanthur
- Misery Index
- Misfits
- Misotheist
- Misþyrming
- Mnemic
- Modern Life Is War
- Mongrels Cross
- Monolord
- Monster Magnet
- Monstrosity
- Monuments
- Monumentum
- Moonsorrow
- Moonspell
- Morbid
- Morbid Angel
- Morbid Saint
- Morgoth
- Morgul
- Mork
- Mork Gryning
- Morketida
- Morrigan
- Morse/Portnoy/George
- Mortal Sin
- Mortician
- Mortiis
- Mortuary Drape
- Mortuus Umbra
- Mötley Crüe
- Motörhead
- Mournful Congregation
- Mumakil
- Mr. Bungle
- Municipal Waste
- Murg
- Mütiilation
- Mütterlein
- My Dying Bride
- Myrkur
- Mysticum
- Mystifier
- Macabre
- Machetazo
- Machine Head
- Madball
- Make Them Suffer
- Malevolence
- Malevolent Creation
- Malicious
- Malokarpatan
- Malthusian
- Mammoth Mammoth
- Manes
- Manifesting
- Manowar
- Mantar
- Mantas
- Marduk
- Marilyn Manson
- Martire
- Mark Riddick
- Marty Friedman
- Martyrdöd
- Maruta
- Masacre
- Massacre
- Master
- Mastodon
- Maul
- Maxime Taccardi
- Mayhem
- Mayhemic Truth
- MC5
- Megadeth
- Mekong Delta
- Melechesh
- Melvins
- Memoriam
- Mental Cavity
- Merauder
- Merciless
- Mercyful Fate
- Merzbow
- Mesarthim
- Meshuggah
- Metalucifer
- Metallica
- Meth Leppard
- Mgła
- Micawber
- Michael Schenker Fest
- Midnight
- Millencolin
- Mindsnare
- Minenwerfer
- Ministry
- Minsk
- Misantropic
- Misanthur
- Misery Index
- Misfits
- Misotheist
- Misþyrming
- Mnemic
- Modern Life Is War
- Mongrels Cross
- Monolord
- Monster Magnet
- Monstrosity
- Monuments
- Monumentum
- Moonsorrow
- Moonspell
- Morbid
- Morbid Angel
- Morbid Saint
- Morgoth
- Morgul
- Mork
- Mork Gryning
- Morketida
- Morrigan
- Morse/Portnoy/George
- Mortal Sin
- Mortician
- Mortiis
- Mortuary Drape
- Mortuus Umbra
- Mötley Crüe
- Motörhead
- Mournful Congregation
- Mumakil
- Mr. Bungle
- Municipal Waste
- Murg
- Mütiilation
- Mütterlein
- My Dying Bride
- Myrkur
- Mysticum
- Mystifier
- Nadja
- Nagelfar
- Naglfar
- Nailbomb
- Nailed To Obscurity
- Nails
- Napalm Death
- Nargaroth
- Nashville Pussy
- Nasum
- Neaera
- Neal Morse
- Necrofago
- Necrofier
- Necromancing the Stone
- Necromantia
- Necronomicon
- Necrophagia
- Necrophagist
- Necrophobic
- Necrot
- Necrowretch
- Nedxxx
- Negative Plane
- Negură Bunget
- Nekroí Theoí
- Nekromantheon
- Ne Obliviscaris
- Neon Christ
- Nero Di Marte
- Nervochaos
- Nervosa
- Netherbird
- Neurosis
- Nevermore
- New Model Army
- New Order
- Nicolas Cage Fighter
- Nidingr
- Nifelheim
- Nightbringer
- Nightfall
- Nightwish
- Nihilist
- Nile
- Nine Inch Nails
- Nirvana
- Noctum
- Nocturnal Breed
- Nocturnal Graves
- Nocturno Culto
- Nocturnus
- No Fun At All
- Noisear
- Noisem
- Nokturnal Mortum
- Noothgrush
- Nordjevel
- Northlane
- Nothing
- Nubivagant
- Nuclear Assault
- Nuclear Power Trio
- Nunslaughter
- Nux Vomica
- Nadja
- Nagelfar
- Naglfar
- Nailbomb
- Nailed To Obscurity
- Nails
- Napalm Death
- Nargaroth
- Nashville Pussy
- Nasum
- Neaera
- Neal Morse
- Necrofago
- Necrofier
- Necromancing the Stone
- Necromantia
- Necronomicon
- Necrophagia
- Necrophagist
- Necrophobic
- Necrot
- Necrowretch
- Nedxxx
- Negative Plane
- Negură Bunget
- Nekroí Theoí
- Nekromantheon
- Ne Obliviscaris
- Neon Christ
- Nero Di Marte
- Nervochaos
- Nervosa
- Netherbird
- Neurosis
- Nevermore
- New Model Army
- New Order
- Nicolas Cage Fighter
- Nidingr
- Nifelheim
- Nightbringer
- Nightfall
- Nightwish
- Nihilist
- Nile
- Nine Inch Nails
- Nirvana
- Noctum
- Nocturnal Breed
- Nocturnal Graves
- Nocturno Culto
- Nocturnus
- No Fun At All
- Noisear
- Noisem
- Nokturnal Mortum
- Noothgrush
- Nordjevel
- Northlane
- Nothing
- Nubivagant
- Nuclear Assault
- Nuclear Power Trio
- Nunslaughter
- Nux Vomica
- Oathbreaker
- Obituary
- Obscura
- Obscure Burial
- Obsidieth
- Occultation
- Occult Burial
- Oceano
- October Tide
- Of Feather And Bone
- Okkultokrati
- Old Funeral
- Old Man's Child
- Om
- Omegavortex
- Omnium Gatherum
- Ondskapt
- One Tail, One Head
- Oni
- Onslaught
- Opera IX
- Opeth
- Ophthalamia
- Oraculum
- Orange Goblin
- Oranssi Pazuzu
- Orbyssmal
- Orchid
- Order Of Orias
- Organectomy
- Origin
- Örnatorpet
- Orphaned Land
- Orpheus Omega
- Ouroboros
- Outer Heaven
- Overkill
- Over the Voids
- Ov Sulfur
- Ozzy Osbourne
- Oathbreaker
- Obituary
- Obscura
- Obscure Burial
- Obsidieth
- Occultation
- Occult Burial
- Oceano
- October Tide
- Of Feather And Bone
- Okkultokrati
- Old Funeral
- Old Man's Child
- Om
- Omegavortex
- Omnium Gatherum
- Ondskapt
- One Tail, One Head
- Oni
- Onslaught
- Opera IX
- Opeth
- Ophthalamia
- Oraculum
- Orange Goblin
- Oranssi Pazuzu
- Orbyssmal
- Orchid
- Order Of Orias
- Organectomy
- Origin
- Örnatorpet
- Orphaned Land
- Orpheus Omega
- Ouroboros
- Outer Heaven
- Overkill
- Over the Voids
- Ov Sulfur
- Ozzy Osbourne
- Pagan
- Paganizer
- Pain
- Pain of Salvation
- Paladin
- Pallbearer
- Panopticon
- Panphage
- Pantera
- Panzer
- Paradise Lost
- Parkway Drive
- Pathology
- Paul Di'Anno
- Pelican
- Penitence Onirique
- Pentagram
- Perdition Temple
- Peril
- Periphery
- Perturbator
- Pessimist
- Pest
- Pestilence
- Pestilength
- Pestilent Hex
- Phil Campbell
- Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons
- Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals
- Phobia
- Pig Destroyer
- Pink Floyd
- Pinkish Black
- Pious Levus
- Plebeian Grandstand
- Poison
- Poison Blood
- Poison Idea
- Poison Ruin
- Polaris
- Portal
- Port Noir
- Possessed
- Possession
- Power From Hell
- Power Trip
- Powerwolf
- Predatory Light
- Predatory Void
- Primal Fear
- Primitive Man
- Primordial
- Primus
- Profanatica
- Proscriptor McGovern's Apsû
- Prostitute Disfigurement
- Psycroptic
- Public Image Ltd
- Publicist UK
- Pungent Stench
- Pupil Slicer
- Pure
- Pure Wrath
- Putrid Pile
- Pyrrhon
- Pagan
- Paganizer
- Pain
- Pain of Salvation
- Paladin
- Pallbearer
- Panopticon
- Panphage
- Pantera
- Panzer
- Paradise Lost
- Parkway Drive
- Pathology
- Paul Di'Anno
- Pelican
- Penitence Onirique
- Pentagram
- Perdition Temple
- Peril
- Periphery
- Perturbator
- Pessimist
- Pest
- Pestilence
- Pestilength
- Pestilent Hex
- Phil Campbell
- Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons
- Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals
- Phobia
- Pig Destroyer
- Pink Floyd
- Pinkish Black
- Pious Levus
- Plebeian Grandstand
- Poison
- Poison Blood
- Poison Idea
- Poison Ruin
- Polaris
- Portal
- Port Noir
- Possessed
- Possession
- Power From Hell
- Power Trip
- Powerwolf
- Predatory Light
- Predatory Void
- Primal Fear
- Primitive Man
- Primordial
- Primus
- Profanatica
- Proscriptor McGovern's Apsû
- Prostitute Disfigurement
- Psycroptic
- Public Image Ltd
- Publicist UK
- Pungent Stench
- Pupil Slicer
- Pure
- Pure Wrath
- Putrid Pile
- Pyrrhon
- Rage
- Rage Against The Machine
- Ragnarok
- Rainbow
- Ramones
- Rancid
- Ratos de Porão
- Raven
- Razor
- Reaper
- Reaping Asmodeia
- Rebaelliun
- Rebel Wizard
- Rebirth Of Nefast
- Red Fang
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Repugnant
- Repulsion
- Resurrection
- Retaliation
- Reveal
- Revenge
- Reverend Bizarre
- Reverie
- Revocation
- Rhapsody
- Rhapsody of Fire
- Ricinn
- Rings of Saturn
- Ringworm
- Ripped To Shreds
- River Black
- Rivers Of Nihil
- Rob Zombie
- Rocky & The Sweden
- Root
- Ross the Boss
- Rot
- Rotten Sound
- Rotting Christ
- Ruins
- Runemagick
- Rush
- Rvbbervvitch
- Rage
- Rage Against The Machine
- Ragnarok
- Rainbow
- Ramones
- Rancid
- Ratos de Porão
- Raven
- Razor
- Reaper
- Reaping Asmodeia
- Rebaelliun
- Rebel Wizard
- Rebirth Of Nefast
- Red Fang
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Repugnant
- Repulsion
- Resurrection
- Retaliation
- Reveal
- Revenge
- Reverend Bizarre
- Reverie
- Revocation
- Rhapsody
- Rhapsody of Fire
- Ricinn
- Rings of Saturn
- Ringworm
- Ripped To Shreds
- River Black
- Rivers Of Nihil
- Rob Zombie
- Rocky & The Sweden
- Root
- Ross the Boss
- Rot
- Rotten Sound
- Rotting Christ
- Ruins
- Runemagick
- Rush
- Rvbbervvitch
- Sabaton
- Sacramentum
- Sacred Reich
- Sacrilege
- Sacrilegia
- Sadist
- Sadistik Exekution
- Sadus
- Sahg
- Saint Vitus
- Saiva
- Salem
- Samael
- Sanctuary
- Sanguis Imperem
- Sanguisugabogg
- Sanzu
- Saor
- Sarah Longfield
- Sarcofago
- Sargeist
- Satan
- Satanic Surfers
- Satanic Warmaster
- Satyricon
- Savage Master
- Savage Messiah
- Saxon
- Scale The Summit
- Scar Symmetry
- Scatmother
- Schammasch
- Scorpion Child
- Scorpions
- Scour
- Sebastian Bach
- Sect
- Sensory Amusia
- Sentenced
- Septicflesh
- Sepulchral Temple
- Sépulcre
- Sepultura
- Serpent Noir
- Serpents Athirst
- Serum Dreg
- Setherial
- Severe Torture
- Sex Pistols
- Shackles
- Shadow Of Intent
- Shai Hulud
- Sheer Terror
- Shelter
- Sheol
- Shining
- Sickness
- Sick Of It All
- Sigh
- Signs Of The Swarm
- Sinister
- Six Feet Under
- Skalmold
- Skeletal Remains
- Skelethal
- Skeleton
- Skeletonwitch
- Skid Row
- Skinless
- Skogen
- Slayer
- Sleep
- Sleep Token
- Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
- Slimelord
- Slipknot
- Slomatics
- Slutvomit
- Snoop Dogg
- S.O.D.
- Sodom
- Soil
- Soilent Green
- Soilwork
- Solefald
- Sólstafir
- Solstice
- Sonata Arctica
- Sonic Syndicate
- Sonic Youth
- Soulburn
- Soulfly
- Soundgarden
- Spawn Of Possession
- Spazz
- Spearhead
- Spektr
- Spells Ov Torment
- Spirit Adrift
- Spiritual Beggars
- Spite
- Squash Bowels
- Stargazer
- Status Quo
- Steel Panther
- Stilla
- Stone Sour
- Strapping Young Lad
- Strigoi
- Stygian Temple
- Sublime
- Suffering Hour
- Suffocation
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Suicide Silence
- Sumerlands
- Sunn O)))
- Survive
- Susperia
- Svart Crown
- Svartidauði
- Svartsyn
- S.V.E.S.T.
- Swallow The Sun
- Sylosis
- Sylvaine
- Symphony X
- System Of A Down
- Sabaton
- Sacramentum
- Sacred Reich
- Sacrilege
- Sacrilegia
- Sadist
- Sadistik Exekution
- Sadus
- Sahg
- Saint Vitus
- Saiva
- Salem
- Samael
- Sanctuary
- Sanguis Imperem
- Sanguisugabogg
- Sanzu
- Saor
- Sarah Longfield
- Sarcofago
- Sargeist
- Satan
- Satanic Surfers
- Satanic Warmaster
- Satyricon
- Savage Master
- Savage Messiah
- Saxon
- Scale The Summit
- Scar Symmetry
- Scatmother
- Schammasch
- Scorpion Child
- Scorpions
- Scour
- Sebastian Bach
- Sect
- Sensory Amusia
- Sentenced
- Septicflesh
- Sepulchral Temple
- Sépulcre
- Sepultura
- Serpent Noir
- Serpents Athirst
- Serum Dreg
- Setherial
- Severe Torture
- Sex Pistols
- Shackles
- Shadow Of Intent
- Shai Hulud
- Sheer Terror
- Shelter
- Sheol
- Shining
- Sickness
- Sick Of It All
- Sigh
- Signs Of The Swarm
- Sinister
- Six Feet Under
- Skalmold
- Skeletal Remains
- Skelethal
- Skeleton
- Skeletonwitch
- Skid Row
- Skinless
- Skogen
- Slayer
- Sleep
- Sleep Token
- Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
- Slimelord
- Slipknot
- Slomatics
- Slutvomit
- Snoop Dogg
- S.O.D.
- Sodom
- Soil
- Soilent Green
- Soilwork
- Solefald
- Sólstafir
- Solstice
- Sonata Arctica
- Sonic Syndicate
- Sonic Youth
- Soulburn
- Soulfly
- Soundgarden
- Spawn Of Possession
- Spazz
- Spearhead
- Spektr
- Spells Ov Torment
- Spirit Adrift
- Spiritual Beggars
- Spite
- Squash Bowels
- Stargazer
- Status Quo
- Steel Panther
- Stilla
- Stone Sour
- Strapping Young Lad
- Strigoi
- Stygian Temple
- Sublime
- Suffering Hour
- Suffocation
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Suicide Silence
- Sumerlands
- Sunn O)))
- Survive
- Susperia
- Svart Crown
- Svartidauði
- Svartsyn
- S.V.E.S.T.
- Swallow The Sun
- Sylosis
- Sylvaine
- Symphony X
- System Of A Down
- Taake
- Tangent
- Tangerine Dream
- Tank
- Tankard
- Ted Nugent
- Teitanblood
- Tempel
- Temple Of Void
- Terror
- Terrorizer
- Tesseract
- Testament
- Textures
- The Acacia Strain
- The Album Leaf
- The Amenta
- The Antichrist Imperium
- Theatre Of Tragedy
- The Black
- The Black Dahlia Murder
- The Casualties
- The Clash
- The Crown
- The Cure
- The Darkness
- The Devil's Blood
- The Devil Wears Prada
- The Dillinger Escape Plan
- The Drip
- The Exploited
- The Faceless
- The Gathering
- The Great Old Ones
- The Halo Effect
- The Haunted
- The Hellacopters
- The Kill
- The Kovenant
- The Lovecraft Sextet
- The Night Flight Orchestra
- The Obsessed
- The Ocean
- Theories
- The Police
- The Red Chord
- The Red Shore
- Therion
- The Rolling Stones
- The Ruins Of Beverast
- The Rumjacks
- The Secret
- The Sisters Of Mercy
- The Who
- The Wildhearts
- The Wraith
- The Zenith Passage
- Thin Lizzy
- Thorns
- Thornspawn
- Thorr's Hammer
- Thrall
- Threat Signal
- Thrones
- Thulsa Doom
- Thurston Moore
- Thy Art Is Murder
- Thy Catafalque
- Tiamat
- Today Is The Day
- Tokyo Blade
- Tomb Mold
- Tombs
- Tombstone
- Tony Iommi
- Tool
- Torche
- Torture Rack
- Totalselfhatred
- Touché Amoré
- Toxic Holocaust
- Transilvania
- Trappist
- Trap Them
- Tribes of Neurot
- Tribulation
- Tripsitter
- Triptykon
- Triumvir Foul
- Trivium
- Troll
- Trolldom
- Troller
- Trouble
- Truckfighters
- True North
- True Widow
- Tsjuder
- Tulus
- Turbonegro
- Twitching Tongues
- Twisted Sister
- Type O Negative
- Tyrants Blood
- Tyr
- Tzompantli
- Tzun Tzu
- Taake
- Tangent
- Tangerine Dream
- Tank
- Tankard
- Ted Nugent
- Teitanblood
- Tempel
- Temple Of Void
- Terror
- Terrorizer
- Tesseract
- Testament
- Textures
- The Acacia Strain
- The Album Leaf
- The Amenta
- The Antichrist Imperium
- Theatre Of Tragedy
- The Black
- The Black Dahlia Murder
- The Casualties
- The Clash
- The Crown
- The Cure
- The Darkness
- The Devil's Blood
- The Devil Wears Prada
- The Dillinger Escape Plan
- The Drip
- The Exploited
- The Faceless
- The Gathering
- The Great Old Ones
- The Halo Effect
- The Haunted
- The Hellacopters
- The Kill
- The Kovenant
- The Lovecraft Sextet
- The Night Flight Orchestra
- The Obsessed
- The Ocean
- Theories
- The Police
- The Red Chord
- The Red Shore
- Therion
- The Rolling Stones
- The Ruins Of Beverast
- The Rumjacks
- The Secret
- The Sisters Of Mercy
- The Who
- The Wildhearts
- The Wraith
- The Zenith Passage
- Thin Lizzy
- Thorns
- Thornspawn
- Thorr's Hammer
- Thrall
- Threat Signal
- Thrones
- Thulsa Doom
- Thurston Moore
- Thy Art Is Murder
- Thy Catafalque
- Tiamat
- Today Is The Day
- Tokyo Blade
- Tomb Mold
- Tombs
- Tombstone
- Tony Iommi
- Tool
- Torche
- Torture Rack
- Totalselfhatred
- Touché Amoré
- Toxic Holocaust
- Transilvania
- Trappist
- Trap Them
- Tribes of Neurot
- Tribulation
- Tripsitter
- Triptykon
- Triumvir Foul
- Trivium
- Troll
- Trolldom
- Troller
- Trouble
- Truckfighters
- True North
- True Widow
- Tsjuder
- Tulus
- Turbonegro
- Twitching Tongues
- Twisted Sister
- Type O Negative
- Tyr
- Tyrants Blood
- Tzompantli
- Tzun Tzu
- Vader
- Valkyrie
- Vallenfyre
- Van Halen
- Varde
- Varathron
- Various Artists
- Vastum
- Ved Buens Ende
- Vektor
- Venom
- Venom Inc.
- Venomous Concept
- Venom Prison
- Verberis
- Vicissitude
- Victims
- Vildhjarta
- Vile
- Vile Creature
- Vinterland
- Vinum Sabbatum
- Vio-lence
- Vipassi
- Viral Load
- Virvum
- Visceral Disgorge
- Visigoth
- Vital Remains
- Vitriol
- Vltimas
- Voivod
- Volbeat
- Vomitor
- Vomitory
- Voyager
- Vreid
- Vulvodynia
- Vader
- Valkyrie
- Vallenfyre
- Van Halen
- Varde
- Varathron
- Various Artists
- Vastum
- Ved Buens Ende
- Vektor
- Venom
- Venom Inc.
- Venomous Concept
- Venom Prison
- Verberis
- Vicissitude
- Victims
- Vildhjarta
- Vile
- Vile Creature
- Vinterland
- Vinum Sabbatum
- Vio-lence
- Vipassi
- Viral Load
- Virvum
- Visceral Disgorge
- Visigoth
- Vital Remains
- Vitriol
- Vltimas
- Voivod
- Volbeat
- Vomitor
- Vomitory
- Voyager
- Vreid
- Vulvodynia
- Wacht
- Waidelotte
- Wake
- Walking Dead On Broadway
- Wallet Inspector
- Warbeast
- Warbringer
- Wardruna
- Warfare
- Warrant
- Warrel Dane
- W.A.S.P.
- Watain
- Watchtower
- Wednesday 13
- Weedeater
- Wehrmacht
- Werewolves
- Whitechapel
- Whitehorse
- Whitesnake
- White Ward
- White Zombie
- Whoredom Rife
- Whoretopsy
- Wiegedood
- Windhand
- Windir
- Winterfylleth
- Wintersun
- Witch
- Witchcraft
- Witchery
- Witchfinder General
- Witchskull
- Witchtrap
- Witch Vomit
- Withered
- Within Destruction
- Within Temptation
- Wode
- Wolfbrigade
- Wolf King
- Wolvennest
- Wolves In The Throne Room
- Wolvhammer
- Wolvserpent
- Woods Of Desolation
- Worm
- Wormed
- Wormhole
- Wormrot
- Wormwitch
- Wovenwar
- Wreath
- Wvrm
- Wacht
- Waidelotte
- Wake
- Walking Dead On Broadway
- Wallet Inspector
- Warbeast
- Warbringer
- Wardruna
- Warfare
- Warrant
- Warrel Dane
- W.A.S.P.
- Watain
- Watchtower
- Wednesday 13
- Weedeater
- Wehrmacht
- Werewolves
- Whitechapel
- Whitehorse
- Whitesnake
- White Ward
- White Zombie
- Whoredom Rife
- Whoretopsy
- Wiegedood
- Windhand
- Windir
- Winterfylleth
- Wintersun
- Witch
- Witchcraft
- Witchery
- Witchfinder General
- Witchskull
- Witchtrap
- Witch Vomit
- Withered
- Within Destruction
- Within Temptation
- Wode
- Wolfbrigade
- Wolf King
- Wolvennest
- Wolves In The Throne Room
- Wolvhammer
- Wolvserpent
- Woods Of Desolation
- Worm
- Wormed
- Wormhole
- Wormrot
- Wormwitch
- Wovenwar
- Wreath
- Wvrm